20. Photograph of the town i live in.

Hello guys…
So im Nigerian.. *that should be obvious i hope* and i live in Abuja.
Here are random pictures from Buzz Nigeria …pictures of Abuja…

My couldnt have done even close to this …google is your friend😂😂😂😂😂😂

This is “Abuja in HD” 😂😂😂
Anyways, Tomorrow Yall


18. About the weekend..

Hi guys…

The weekend has been crazy busy.. Went to workout yeaterday at the gym (BodyRox Fitness Studio Abuja, Nigeria) …crazyyyy. having postworkout aches…good uhn??? Lol

22nd april 2017
After that i attended the wedding ceremony of a member of the gym…it was sooooo beautiful.

So im posting this random picture i took of our gym buddies while they were discussing… So much laughter in one photo.

Can you spot the opened mouth?…i dont remember what was said…and just burst into laughter…

Im hoping you are having a wonderful weekend too…
Its still the 31 days blog challenge


17. What you would find in my handbag

Heyyy lovelies,

So today… Im writing about what i always have in my handbag. I just feel some of them are unnecessary..but i always do carry them all.

1. Handsanitizer.

2. Lipbalm/lipgloss.

3. Hand cream.

4. Eyedrop.

5. Nail file… I have the softest nails in the entire universe.

6. Wallet. Duhh!!!

7. Business card…yea well, this is either in my bag or in the wallet.

8. My phone charger. 

9. Bag tissue.

10. Lollipop/chewing gum  (70 percent of the time, i have lollipop in my bag… Yea and my statistics is probably not correct😂😂😂😂😂😂) 
Every other thing found in the bag is normal.


Dont forget to drop a comment.

15. 3 healthy habits.

Hi guys. This is day 15… So far..so good 

Three of my healthy habits.

1.i always have coconut oil around. It is my go to remedy for amost anything.

2.im a sucker for washing hands, its a habit i started recently…and its been very positive.(it pays, really).. 

3. Self preservation. I noticed that the smell of perfume and good music helps me relax. My life is easier for that. Know what helps you relax .. Sometimes its the little things.


In a mad world, only the mad are sane.

Akiro Kurosawa

12. Best physical feature

Hey guys!!!

Day 12. 16th April 2017.

Well, this is easy. Dimples😄😆

Im always told its my most striking feature. (to think i always wanted open teeth)

Heres timeless dimpled looks. Thats probably why i hardly ever take pictures without smiling😄😄

Well, yeaaaaa😍😍. I see you get the drift.

And happy Easter celebrations to you all!! 


Bhotchocolate ♥

“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago”  ~ Warren Buffett